Thursday, August 29, 2013

Have you ever wondered how fashion is on the African Continent? Then you do not have to look any further because it is all coming to a screen near you. Entrepreneur and TV Host Diana Opoti documentary Designing Africa is set to start showing on Fridays on Africa Magic from 22:20.
The documentary focuses on fashion in Africa from the textile fabrics, the designers themselves and to the people involved in making the fashion shows a success. It will show both the challenges which the designers and the people in the fashion industry are facing plus showing how they are giving themselves inspirations and encouragement to make it in this business of fashion on a global scale.
This is one show which you cannot afford to miss if your a lover of the fashion.

The first episode which is set to show tomorrow will be about ICONS IN THE MAKING. Here is a short description about what to expect:
 "Annually, Cape Town attracts thousands of guests for the Cape Town Fashion Week. This year, supported by Mercedes Benz – AFI and CTFC MB Fashion Week Cape Town opens it's platform to 5 emerging designers, "Icons in the making".
Designing Africa presents a special on the fashion Week and speaks with the 5 designers. This show is a mix of the 4 days of fashion – highlighting designs by Top designers in the region such as David Ttale, Craig Port, Kluk CGDT, Lalesso, Gavin Rajah and a more detailed looked at Icons in the making...."

All eyes are on African fashion. Lets support this show to improve our continent.

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